Sex may change after kids.
How it feels, doesn't have to.

Sex may change after kids.
How it feels, doesn't have to.





We provide a number of highly-specialized treatments and procedures to help women look and feel their absolute best.



What is Labiaplasty? Labiaplasty, plastic surgery on the labia (the “lips” surrounding the vagina), can be performed alone or with vaginoplasty. Surgery can be performed on the labia major (the larger, outer vaginal lips), or the labia minor (the smaller, inner vaginal lips). Labiaplasty changes the size or shape of the labia, typically making them smaller or correcting an asymmetry between them.

Vaginal Tightening (Perineoplasty, Vaginoplasty).

What is Vaginal Tightening (Perineoplasty, Vaginoplasty)? Vaginoplasty is a procedure that aims to “tighten up” a vagina that’s become slack or loose from vaginal childbirth or aging. Some claim it can even improve sensitivity.

Clitoral Hood Reduction (Clitoral Unhooding).

What is Clitoral Hood Reduction (Clitoral Unhooding)? This surgery removes the tissue that normally covers the clitoris.



What is MonaLisa Touch®?

During menopause, whether it happens naturally, or is induced chemically or surgically, women’s bodies change. Declining estrogen causes a variety of symptoms, many of which are painful and may be difficult to discuss. Introducing MonaLisa Touch®, a treatment for the painful symptoms of menopause, including intimacy.


During a treatment, a vaginal probe is inserted into the patient’s vagina, and delivers gentle, virtually painless laser energy to the vaginal wall, stimulating a healing response.


The total procedure takes less than five minutes, and a typical course of treatment is three procedures over 18 weeks. Many women report symptom relief after the very first treatment, and even greater improvement after treatments 2 and 3!

How Many Treatments are Needed?

Three 5-minute treatments at 6-week intervals:

    • In-office procedure
    • Minimal side effects
    • No downtime
    • Annual follow up once a year*

*your doctor will determine with you if follow-up treatments are required

Who is MonaLisa Touch for®?

•Post-menopausal women experiencing painful symptoms of menopause and challenges with intimacy.


•Any female that has undergone chemically or surgically induced menopause.

What Should I Expect with the Procedure?

The in-office procedure is virtually painless, and typically lasts about 5 minutes.

When Will I See Results?

Many MonaLisa Touch® patients feel improvement after the very first treatment, although the procedure calls for three.

What Are the Side Effects?

There are virtually no side effects or discomfort with this treatment.

What Happens After Treatment?

Patients can return to normal activities after the treatment but should refrain from sexual activity for 2-3 days. Your doctor will determine a post-procedure regimen that is right for you.


What is Geneveve™?

The Geneveve treatment is the only 30-minute, single-treatment, minimally invasive, comfortable approach to improving vaginal laxity. Geneveve™ utilizes a device that emits cryogen-cooled radiofrequency (CMRF) waves to gently heat vaginal tissue and muscle deep beneath the surface, leaving you cool and comfortable throughout the procedure. The CMRF waves help to stimulate your body’s natural collagen production, which has a firming and tightening effect that can last a long time.


Another incredible benefit of Geneveve™ is that the entire process typically takes only about 30 minutes, and most women need only one treatment to get the results they’re looking for. However, yearly touch-up treatments may help to maintain and maximize the results as your body continues to change over time.

Why Geneveve™?

Improve Vaginal Laxity. Geneveve™ is a revolutionary nonsurgical option to help improve vaginal laxity for women who feel that childbirth, menopause or even the natural aging process have significantly changed their bodies.


Increase Sexual Satisfaction. If you find that the quality of your sex life has diminished due to vaginal laxity, vaginal dryness or other discomfort associated with stretched vaginal tissue after childbirth, weight loss or other factors, you could be an excellent candidate for Geneveve™.


Feel Like Yourself Again. Investing a little time and energy into yourself can have such a profound impact on your outlook on life, relationships and overall self-esteem. When your body goes through a major change, you might start to feel like you’re just not quite yourself anymore. For some women, this feeling can impact their quality of life and may even cause depression and social withdrawal. If you’re unhappy with changes your body has undergone due to childbirth, menopause, or the normal aging process, consider talking to us about Geneveve™.


Complement Your Labiaplasty. In some cases, women are concerned both about an overly large labia AND vaginal laxity. This is when using nonsurgical Geneveve™ as a complement to your cosmetic surgery can greatly enhance and complete your results.


What are O-Shot® [Orgasm Shot®] PRP Injections?

As seen on televisions The Doctors & Dr. Oz and in Cosmopolitan & Harper’s Bazaar Magazines, the O-Shot® is a revolutionary approach used to help treat the following conditions:

  • Decreased libido (sex drive)
  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Decreased ability to orgasm
  • Urge urinary incontinence
  • Lichen sclerosus
  • Lichen planus
  • Postpartum fecal incontinence
  • Chronic pain from trauma from child birth (episiotomy scars)
  • Chronic pain from mesh

How do O-Shot® [Orgasm Shot®] PRP Injections Work?

During this virtually painless procedure, a numbing cream is applied to the vagina and the arm. Blood is drawn from the arm in the same way as with any blood test. Then, using a centrifuge and a special method, platelet rich plasma (PRP) is isolated, resulting in growth factors. Using a very thin needle, the growth factors are then injected into the clitoris, upper vagina and an area most important for the sexual response, the O-Spot.

What are the Results?

The results of this 20-minute in-office procedure are dramatic and long-lasting. Women report significant improvement in stimulation, sensitivity, arousal, and sex drive. Urinary incontinence (both stress and urgency) sometimes stops as soon as the day of the treatment.