It is up to you and your healthcare provider to determine if you are a good candidate for Axonics Therapy.
Axonics Therapy is an approved treatment for patients suffering with:
-Overactive bladder (OAB) – the urgent need to urinate which may result in frequent urinary and/or incontinence (leakage) episodes
-Urinary urgency frequency – the need to urinate 8 or more times a day
-Urinary urgency incontinence (UUI) – the urgent need to urinate or trouble holding urine before making it to the restroom
-Fecal (bowel) incontinence – sudden urges to pass stool and experience leakage of stool before making it to the restroom
-Nonobstructive urinary retention (UR) – the inability to empty the bladder which results in symptoms of frequent urination or trouble urinating
Axonics Therapy is indicated for patients who have failed conservative treatments, such as lifestyle changes, physical therapy, or medications.
Axonics Therapy is not appropriate for:
-Stress incontinence
-Treating urinary symptoms caused by mechanical obstructions, such as benign prostatic hypertrophy, cancer, or urethral stricture
-Patients who have not demonstrated an appropriate response to an external trial
-Patient with limited cognitive function, which may make it difficult to manage their therapy
-Pregnant women, the unborn fetus, and during delivery
-Pediatric patients (under the age of 18 years for FI and under the age of 16 years for OAB and UR)
-Patients with neurological disease origins, such as multiple sclerosis or diabetes